
Ideas for small web applications that you could build

Ideas for small web applications that you could build

Ideas for small web applications that you could build

Here are a few ideas for small web applications that you could build:

  1. Personal Expense Tracker - A simple web application that allows users to log their expenses and view reports of their spending habits.
  2. Recipe Finder - A web application that lets users search for recipes by ingredients or by specific keywords. It could also allow users to save their favorite recipes.
  3. Task Manager - A web application that allows users to create and manage tasks, set reminders, and track their progress.
  4. To-Do List - A web application that allows users to create and manage a list of tasks or goals they want to accomplish.
  5. Weather App - A web application that displays the current weather conditions and forecast for a specified location.
  6. Book Review Site - A web application that allows users to post reviews of books they've read and rate them.
  7. Event Planner - A web application that allows users to plan and organize events, such as parties, weddings, or conferences.
  8. Fitness Tracker - A web application that allows users to log their workouts and track their progress towards fitness goals.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The key is to identify a specific problem or need that people have and create a simple, user-friendly solution to address it.

Ideas for small web applications that you could build

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